p346 Fandom board meeting
p346 Lithuanian SF/F fandom is having a board meeting. Representatives of science fiction clubs from various regions of Lithuania have come together at the Lituanicon to brainstorm on how to make future conventions better, how to gain more visibility in the mainstream society, and… well, I’m not sure what else. The two people on the right are Ruta and Justinas. I don’t recognize the rest; they must have joined after I left.
p346 Lithuanian SF/F fandom is having a board meeting. Representatives of science fiction clubs from various regions of Lithuania have come together at the Lituanicon to brainstorm on how to make future conventions better, how to gain more visibility in the mainstream society, and… well, I’m not sure what else. The two people on the right are Ruta and Justinas. I don’t recognize the rest; they must have joined after I left.
Lituanicon 2004, Vilnius, Lithuania, May of 2004