Every ArmadilloCon has a world-building panel, where the panelists and the audience “create” a science-fictional or fantasy world by collective brainstorming. Artist R. Cat…
Two congoers in kilts at ArmadilloCon 2007. While kilts are popular at the ArmadilloCon and science fiction conventions in general, I had not until then…
There were several ArmadilloCon panels with slightly adult content. Some of them had great titles, such as “I Fell in Love with an Octopus”, which…
I’ve noticed over the years that some of the “What I Should Have Read” panelists have tastes so unlike mine, it’s as if we are…
The program book said: “Want to hear about the best disasters in the fandom world?” Indeed, some of the fiascos, or merely weird stories, mentioned…
This was the first writers’ workshop I’ve ever been to, and the first time I had my writing critiqued. I was hooked! I left wanting…
Miscellaneous pictures from Saturday, including masquarade costumes and hall costumes. Congoer named Andromeda and an unidentified person in the ConSuite Authors Linda Donahue (left) and…
Description in the program book: Was there a [same-sex romance] subtext to Lord of the Rings? Is subtext in the eye of the beholder, or…
A person named Sundara at ApolloCon 2007 in a bellydancing-inspired costume A congoer named Nara The name tag of the woman below said Susan Calvin.…
ApolloCon was a speculative fiction convention in Houston, Texas. ApolloCon 2007 started with a kaffeeklatsch with the editor-legend David Hartwell. Kaffeeklatsches are a tradition at…