I gave a presentation “Unit-testing a React.js / redux-toolkit application, part 1” (the first of two parts) at the Women Who Code Austin, Texas frontend…
I gave a presentation “Preventing component re-renderings in React.js with useSelector” at the Women Who Code Austin, Texas frontend meetup. Here are the slides. The…
I gave a presentation on React.js Redux-Toolkit at the Women Who Code Austin, Texas frontend meetup. Here are the slides.
Here is a presentation I gave at the Women Who Code frontend meetup in Austin, Texas. Theming in React.js using MUI (Material UI).
Here is a presentation I gave at the Women Who Code frontend meetup in Austin, Texas. CSS-in-JS in React.js, using Material UI I discovered the…
Here is a presentation I gave at the Women Who Code frontend meetup in Austin, Texas. Deploying full stack applications with React.js and Express.js on…
I gave this presentation at the Fiercely Frontend meetup by Women Who Code Austin, TX chapter.
Synopsis from Linucon program book: “The most popular open source license, the GPL, inspires controversy to this day. Eric Raymond recently expressed some ambivalence about…
The name Larval Mode comes from the Hacker’s Dictionary, where it means the state of being a novice programmer or techie. The panelists were Eric…
In my previous post I wrote about how to make paths work for your ASP .NET Core backend / Angular frontend application, if the directory…