CIMG0827 Chaos Machine being built at Linucon 2005
CIMG0827 Chaos Machine being built in the Linucon hotel lobby
Steve Jackson’s Chaos Machine is, to quote the convention program book, “a giant communal build-it-yourself project that’s a cross between an erector set, model trains, a pachinko machine, a jungle gym, and, well, a Chaos Machine. Help unpack the parts and build the initial framework people will add to all weekend.”
Here it is being built in the Linucon hotel lobby. It has tracks for little balls to roll, and moving belts, like the yellow belt in the foreground, that hoist them up.
It had also been built at Linucon 2004.
Linucon 2005 was a Linux and science fiction convention that took place in Austin, Texas, from September 30 to October 2, 2005.