CIMG3382 China Mieville and me at the book signing at Readercon 2006
CIMG3382 I got my picture taken with China Mieville at his book signing at Readercon 2006. I brought my copy of Perdido Street Station for him to sign. A volunteer that was managing the line at the signing commented that my book was well worn, and she meant it in a complimentary way, implying that I must have read it many times. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I’m just rough with books; I had read it exactly once. Most of the reading I’ve been doing in the last couple of decades was while exercising on a stairmaster. My methods for securing books to a piece of exercise equipment leave them looking rather worn.
Readercon was a literary science fiction convention that took place in Burlington, Massachusets, July 2006.