CIMG3469 Nora at Readercon 2006

Nora at Readercon 2006

CIMG3469 The person on the left, who first name on her nametag says “Nora”, is likely N. K. Jemisin. Readercon 2006.

CIMG3469 Looking back at my pictures of the people in the audience, I saw this picture of a young woman on the left whose name tag said “Nora Jemison”, and I think this could be N. K. Jemisin! It would imply that her last name was misspelled on her badge (which happens a lot at conventions), but the picture matches. This was years before she wrote her highly acclaimed novels, and of course back then I had no idea who she was.

This picture was taken at the kaffeeklatsch with the science fiction editors Teresa and Patrick Nielsen Hayden at Readercon 2006. Read more about it in my blog post.

Readercon was a literary speculative fiction convention that took place in Burlington, Massachusetts in July of 2006.