Robot Group at ArmadilloCon 2007

As always, Robot Group — an Austin robotics organization — demoed their creatures at the ArmadilloCon. If I understood correctly, they made this purple alien as a prop for a very cheap and cheesy movie, but they did not complete it, and it doesn’t do very much. Well, its eyes move.

A purple alien made by Robot Group at the Robot Group booth at the ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG6860 A purple alien made by the Robot Group

I remember the Robot Group people telling me what this was, but… as the convention wears on, my powers of retention degrade exponentially. Anyway, this grey alien’s mouth tentacles moved.

A grey alien with mouth tentacles, made by the Robot Group, at ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG6863 A grey alien with mouth tentacles

A little brown robot walks it sits down, gets up, tries to walk some more, but mostly just teeters in place, hardly making any progress.

A little brown walking robot, made by The Robot Group and presented at the ArmadilloCon 2007.
CIMG6868 Little brown robot trying to walk

A 1 minute, 14 second video of this cute little robot attempting to walk is below.

Spinning letters above the Robot Group table in the dealer room

Spinning letters above the Robot Group table in the dealer room
CIMG6870 Spinning letters above the Robot Group table

Robot Group creations: the brain and the Compassionator (right).

Brain and Compassionator -- robots made by the Robot Group and displayed at the ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG6872 Brain and Compassionator

In the video below, The Compassionator (held by its creator on the right), shoots at the little robot on the floor. If I understood correctly, it was named the Compassionator because it doesn’t shoot to kill: rather, it sends beams of compassion. Or something like that.

Here is a still from the video above: the creator of Compassionator points it at a little robot driving around on the floor and shoots the beams of compassion. The beams are purely imaginary and not visible in the video.

Compassionator robot, held by its creator, at the ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG7011 Compassionator robot, held by its creator

A 2-year-old congoer is intrigued by Eric Lundquist’s (right) robot.

A robot on wheels, made by Eric Lundquist, at the ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG7000 A 2-year-old congoer is intrigued by Eric Lundquist’s (right) robot.

From the side, Eric Lundquist’s robot kind of looks like a rolling cart for toys, electronics, and what-not.

Side view of a robot on wheels, made by Eric Lundquist, at the ArmadilloCon 2007
CIMG7005 Side view of Eric Lundquist’s (left) robot.