CIMG8255 Ball player sculptures at Chichen Itza

Ball player sculptures at Chichen Itza

CIMG8255 Ball player sculptures at Chichen Itza

CIMG8255 A sculpted panel on the wall of the Great Ball Court of Chichen Itza. They represent the players of the ceremonial ball game, but for an untrained eye, like mine, the figures are really hard to make out. I can kind of see a couple of human faces in this image, but not much more.

This is one of the series of my photos from a Gulf of Mexico / Caribbean cruise I went on in November of 2007. Our ship was named Ecstasy. It sailed from Galveston TX, to Cozumel and Progresso (Mexico) and back. From Progresso we took a tour bus to an ancient archeological site, Chichen Itza, to see Mayan pyramids.

November 2007