CIMG2959 Old-time pharmacy / lab equipment in Skansen

Old-time pharmacy / lab equipment in Skansen

CIMG2959 Old-time pharmacy / lab equipment in Skansen

CIMG2959 Old-time pharmacy and lab equipment in a 18th or 19th century pharmacy replica in Skansen. Wikipedia tells me that those bulbous jars with long, downward-curving spouts are called retorts, and they are used for distilling liquids. I suppose the distilled liquid drips down the spout and collects in the round-bottomed glass flask, into which the spout is inserted.

The Skansen open-air museum in Stockholm is kind of like a historic theme park that shows how life in Sweden looked before the historical era. It has craftspeople who give demos of old-time crafts, such as glass-blowing, seen in this post.

Skansen, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006