CIMG6876 I Fell in Love with an Octopus panel at ArmadilloCon 2007

Laura Anne Gilman (left) and Debbie Lynn Smith on the I Fell in Love with an Octopus panel at ArmadilloCon 2007

CIMG6876 Laura Anne Gilman (left) and Debbie Lynn Smith on the I Fell in Love with an Octopus panel

CIMG6876 Laura Anne Gilman (left) and Debbie Lynn Smith on the I Fell in Love with an Octopus panel at ArmadilloCon 2007.

The panel promised to discuss whether the paranormal romance has gone too far. “When does a really weird love story cross the line between plausible and really weird? What are some of the most implausible stories out there? Which ones work, and why?” Unfortunately, it exhausted the topic in 15 minutes and turned into a session of kwetching about publishers and editors. A common gripe was that they don’t want to push the genre envelope and try to pigeonhole writers into marketing categories.

But it produced a good quote: “If you spend more than 50% of the time saving the world, it’s urban fantasy. If you spend more than 50% of the time saving your relationship, that’s paranormal romance.”