Synopsis from Linucon program book: “The most popular open source license, the GPL, inspires controversy to this day. Eric Raymond recently expressed some ambivalence about…
The name of this panel hints at the lack of preparedness on the part of organizers — and, given the trouble they’ve been through this…
The name Larval Mode comes from the Hacker’s Dictionary, where it means the state of being a novice programmer or techie. The panelists were Eric…
Panelists: David Lee Anderson, Ctein (moderator), John Gibbons, Wil McCarthy What this panel was supposed to be about, according to the ArmadilloCon program book: “Our…
Official Synopsis: Cuddling with the computer too much? We’ve been there too. Ways to learn (or relearn) social skills. Panelists Eric and Cathy Raymond discuss…
The panelists reiterated the relevant discoveries that were new in 2004: growing organs in another location of recipient’s own body (whether human or animal)…
At Linucon 2004 Eric Raymond gave a speech on the basic principles of the Unix philosophy. They are the same principles as described in the…