Costumes from Linucon 2004 masquerade and hallways
P033 A guy named (nicknamed?) Proz in some kind of quasi military uniform-based costumeP036 A guy named (nicknamed?) Proz in some kind of quasi military uniform-based costumeP552 Proz in the hallway, with minimal posing. Still a good costume.P538 You can see the glowing neon tubes on Jay Maynard’s The Tron Guy costumeP546 Robot Group member dressed in a circuit board costume. She was a panelist at the Linucon 2004 “Robots And Art” panel.P547 Robot Group member dressed in a circuit board costume. She was a panelist at the Linucon 2004 “Robots And Art” panel.
P0000557 Steve Jackson of Steve Jackson games, in a pirate costume. P559 As far as I can read his name tag, his name is “Spike the Kitty”
P560 This young person made her costume in just a couple of hours before the contest. Not bad for something like that.P565 All of the impromptu costumes on the masquerade stage. They were all made in just a couple of hours before the contest.P0000580 Jay Maynard, a.k.a Tron Guy in his masquerade costumeP581 Princess Leia at Linucon 2004 cosplay / masquerade
The seduction of Tux the Penguin in three parts
What would Linucon be without Tux the Penguin? No wonder he was persistently wooed by fans of all genders.
P583 Fans snuggle up to Tux the Penguin in the Consuite.P584 Fans snuggle up to Tux the Penguin in the Consuite.P585 Fans snuggle up to Tux the Penguin in the Consuite.
Steve Jackson’s Chaos Machine
Steve Jackson’s Chaos Machine is “a giant communal build-it-yourself project that’s a cross between an erector set, model trains, a pachinko machine, a jungle gym, and, well, a Chaos Machine. Help unpack the parts and build the initial framework people will add to all weekend.” Here it is being built in the Linucon hotel lobby.
It has tracks for little balls to roll, and moving belts, like the yellow belt in the foreground, that hoist them up. There are probably other kinds of moving parts that I don’t remember.
P561 The Chaos Machine in the Linucon hotel lobbyP564 The Chaos Machine in the Linucon hotel lobby