CIMG0549 Picnicking in Puckoriai on the grass, September 2005

Picnicking in Puckoriai on the grass, September 2005

CIMG0549 These are the Vilnius science fiction fandom picnickers, well into demolishing the food. Picnicking old-style on a blanket on the grass. At least back then the Pūčkoriai park did not have any such amenities as picnic tables. Not sure if it has them even now.

CIMG0549 These are the Vilnius science fiction fandom picnickers, well into demolishing the food. Picnicking old-style on a blanket on the grass. At least back then the Pūčkoriai park did not have any such amenities as picnic tables. Not sure if it has them even now.

Pūčkoriai, Vilnius, Lithuania, September of 2005