Vilnius science fiction club annual picnic, September of 2005
While we were in Lithuania, we went to the annual picnic of the Vilnius science fiction club Dorado. The picnic took place in Pūčkoriai. It is a scenic place on the outskirts of Vilnius that’s known for a 65-meter-high vertical precipice, called Pūčkorių atodanga (Pūčkorių exposure). It overlooks the valley of the Vilnia river and the surrounding hills.
Me, with baby E in a sling, at the Lithuanian science fiction fandom picnic. We are about to head into the park and find a place on the grass to spread the blankets on.

View from Pūčkorių atodanga / Pūčkoriai exposure, standing close to the 65-meter precipice. That’s the Vilnia (aka Vilnelė) river below.

Me with baby E in a sling at the Pūčkoriai exposure

Fandom parents and fandom babies

These are the Vilnius science fiction fandom picnickers, well into demolishing the food. Picnicking old-style on a blanket on the grass. At least back then the Pūčkoriai park did not have any such amenities as picnic tables. Not sure if it has them even now.

After the picnic, some folks played volleyball in the park. S joined them too.

In September of 2005, Vilnius science fiction club Dorado had its annual picnic in Pūčkoriai, on the outskirts of Vilnius. It is a scenic place that’s known for a 65-meter-high vertical precipice, called Pūčkorių atodanga (Pūčkorių exposure) and the views of the Vilnia (aka Vilnelė) river valley and the surrounding hills.
Pūčkoriai, Vilnius, Lithuania, September of 2005