CIMG0844 The Tron Guy at the Adventures in Costuming panel at Linucon 2005
CIMG0844 The Tron Guy drinks mundane beverages like the rest of us.
“Adventures in costuming” panel, Linucon 2005, September 30, 2005, Austin, Texas
In this panel, Jay Maynard, a. k. a. The Tron Guy, talked about all the fame (or infamy) that the Tron costume brought him. After a press story about him was posted on Slashdot, he braced for negative comments to come rolling in. He expected comments such as “a fat guy shouldn’t be wearing spandex” and… by golly, he got them. Several hundreds. But there were also a lot of people who said his costume was cool. He appeared some television talk shows. Even Howard Stern contemplated inviting him to his radio show, but decided that the story won’t make enough impact without the visuals.