Hall costumes at Linucon 2005
On Saturday morning there was a Fun With Liquid Nitrogen event in the Consuite. The masters of liquid nitrogen “cooked” various food items in it, such as strawberries or coffee droplets. And by “cooking” I mean freezing them with extremely cold vapor. It turns out that strawberries, when frozen in such a manner, shatter when they fall on the floor.
Bellydancers in Linucon halls on Friday night

Pink Chocolate Cosplay cosplayers Rachael and Anne, dressed as anime characters, in the Consuite on Saturday morning, sampling liquid nitrogen-cooked foods

Rachael from Pink Chocolate Cosplay, dressed as an anime character, samples liquid nitrogen-cooked foods in the Consuite

Linucon 2005 had a heavy anime track. Before going to Linucon, I was worried whether it was going to occupy front and center, and other topics would be pushed to the periphery. However, I found the anime track completely unobtrusive. An acquaintance of mine later said he wondered if two major subsets of people that this convention attracted — Linux geeks and “anime babes” — would have anything in common. But maybe they had, because he observed a Linux guy approaching an girl dressed up as an anime character with this classic line: “Wanna go check out Fry’s”? It cracked him up. However, Fry’s actually has a sizeable anime section, and it may just be the point where those two worlds intersect. And Fry’s is a near-perfect place for a first date. There is as much food for conversation there as in a museum, and, unlike in a museum, you can talk loudly. I’m even surprised why Eric and Cathy Raymond didn’t mention it in their last year’s panel on geek dating.
Anne from Pink Chocolate Cosplay as an anime character

Congoers taste liquid nitrogen-cooked foods at Linucon 2005

Another anime costume wandering the halls. This high school student filmed a lot of Linucon events and made a video.

A costumer with a fox tail. Later that night this costume was completed with chain mail and presented in the Cosplay. During the daytime he was walking around without the chain mail.

A pair of artists — one or both of which might go by the name Chibi Man (perhaps that’s the name of their business?) in the Artists’ Alley. I guess Chibi Man has something to do with anime. Linucon had a significant anime track, because that was the main interest of one of the convention chairs.