Linucon 2005: Robots


Austin’s own Robot Group — an organization of robotics enthusiasts — had a display of their robots at Linucon. Some robot enthusiasts also brought store-bought robots, like this black-and-white creature that roamed the halls. Some of the Robot Group creations shuffled around the vendor room, others stood stationary — but not motionless — in the hallway.

Black-and-white Robot at Linucon 2005
CIMG0812 Black-and-white robot, probably not made by Robot Group, but commercially bought

A Robot Group creation, Babbling Robot Head was singing Scottish traditional songs in a synthesized voice. The voice is kind of nasal and drone’y, but oddly pleasant. Well, maybe not all of its songs were Scottish, but the one I remember best, “Flower of Scotland”, was. Here it is captured on video (9 sec).

Babbling Head robot and Robot Group members at Linucon 2005
CIMG0819 The Babbling Robot Head robot, surrounded by Denise Scioli from Austin Robot Group and an unidentified young congoer.

Denise Scioli from Robot Group with the Babbling Robot Head and robot with a lightning face, whose name I don’t know.

Babbling Head robot and a robot with a lightning face, Linucon 2005
CIMG0820 Denise Scioli from Robot Group with the Babbling Robot Head and robot with a lightning face, whose name I don’t know.

The other robot had lightning flashing across its “face”. Its arms move up and down; the pincers at their ends rotate. A video can be found here (13 sec).

A robot with moving claws and lightning flashing across its face
CIMG0875 A robot with moving claws and lightning flashing across its face

This robot with red arms and white gloves, called Eric’s Robot, was made by Eric Lundquist from Robot Group.

Eric's robot at Linucon 2005
CIMG0825 Eric’s robot

This “grim reaper” robot (another one whose name or description I could not find) turns its head from side to side and waves its hands, as seen in this video (8 sec, ~ 1.4 MB, MPEG).

Grim Reaper robot at Linucon 2005
CIMG0806 Grim Reaper robot