Linucon 2005: Austin Linux Group
This small post is dedicated to the now-defunct Austin Linux Group. Though my interest in Linux has never been more than casual (learned a few commands I needed to do my job as a developer), I used to go to the Austin Linux Group meetings in the early 2000s just to talk to other “computer people”. There were few, if any, programming-related meetups in Austin back then.
ALG participated in some parties of Austin “tech scene”, such as it was, like the UNIX billionth second party. And at Linucon, Austin Linux Group had a table in one of the convention rooms. One of their guys was grabbing at the sleeves of the passers-by trying to drag them inside and install Linux on their machines. Well, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration. But, sadly, people weren’t beating a path to their door. Maybe because everybody at Linucon already had Linux installed on their machines? And no one had any problems they may have needed help with?
Here are, left to right, Austin Linux Group then-president Newton, Jim P (at the table), and an unidentified person.

Jim P from Austin Linux Group let my daughter E sit on his lap while she “typed” on his computer. And all 3 or so ALGers that were there enthusiastically complimented her beauty and smarts.