E’s second year: 13 months: May 2006

For E’s first birthday we fed her a cupcake with frosting, and for that we took her out to the park, where she could make all kinds of mess without ruining furniture or carpet. She did a decent job of mutilating the cupcake, but did not go all out like she does with some other, less festive foods at home. The frosting did not even end up in her hair. She’s been known to be more creative with other foods. For example, when being fed cereal or mashed potatoes, she sticks her entire hand into the dish, then holds it up to her eyes, examines the gobs of mush carefully, and flexes her fingers to make a “squelch, squelch” sound. The cupcake did not deserve that honor, apparently.

Here she eats cupcake off of a spoon, except she doesn’t know how to hold a spoon.

Eats cupcake off of a spoon
CIMG1979 1-year-old E eats cupcake off of a spoon

As the eating of the cupcake progressed, frosting ended up everywhere — though, curiously, not in her hair.

Eats cupcake, frosting everywhere
CIMG1985 The eating of the cupcake progresses: frosting everywhere

Here we are at a dinner at Carrabas that followed.

At Carrabas Italian restaurant
CIMG1991 Here we are at a dinner at Carrabas Italian restaurant that followed.

In her 13th month, E took her first, very tentative, very teetery steps. She immediately fell on her butt, but still!

Taking her first steps
CIMG1995 Taking her first steps