pic_029 Bride, groom and the witnesses at the altar

Bride, groom and the witnesses at the altar

pic_029 The bride, the groom and the witnesses at the altar

pic_029 The newlyweds are standing at the altar, with the witnesses behind them, so you can only see the witnesses’ backs. This is what the whole church looked like. The guests are standing around the sides, and that’s me in a green dress filming the ceremony. In addition to taking pictures, I was also making a video with an honest-to-goodness video camera (this was before smartphones). A bit too conspicuously, perhaps, but there was no official videographer or photographer, and I was trying to get some good shots.

My sister’s wedding took place in the Orthodox church of Our Lady of the Sign in Vilnius, Lithuania, in May of 2006.

This picture was taken by one of the groom’s friends, whose name I unfortunately don’t know.