E at 14 months: July 2006

Being flown like an airplane by daddy is so much fun! Dressed in a July 4th-colored outfit on the 4th of July.

On July 4th, in a July 4th outfit
CIMG3221 E being flown like an airplane by daddy

A fascinated E plays with a huge stuffed bear during our visit with our friends C and S and their children.

E in high chair with a stuffed bear
CIMG3578 E in high chair with a stuffed bear

E in a high chair, with a flashlight at our friends C and S house

E in a high chair, with a flashlight
CIMG3580 E at our friends’ house, in a high chair, with a flashlight

S, me, and E at our friends C and S house

S, me, and E at our friends house
CIMG3616 S, me, and E at our friends’ house

E held by S, holding a stuffed duck

E held by S, holding a stuffed duck
CIMG3625 E held by S, holding a stuffed duck