World Fantasy Convention 2006, Austin, Texas: Friday

Friday, various people, mostly writers

Shanna Swendson

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: Shanna
CIMG4245 Shanna Swendson

Jay Lake (right) and other people

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: Jay Lake (right) and other people
CIMG4247 Jay Lake (right) and other people

M. K. Hobson (left) and Jessica Reisman (center)

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: MKH (left) and JR (center)
CIMG4251 M. K. Hobson (left) and Jessica Reisman (center)

Elizabeth Bear and Matt Cardin

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: EB and MC
CIMG4252 Elizabeth Bear and Matt Cardin

Paul Park

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: author PP
CIMG4288 Author Paul Park

David Levine, Elizabeth Bear, Holly Black

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: DL, EB, HB
CIMG4295 David Levine, Elizabeth Bear, Holly Black

Holly Black

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: HB
CIMG4314 Holly Black

Alice Henderson at the book signing

World Fantasy Convention 2006, book signing, Friday: AH
CIMG4320 Alice Henderson at the book signing

Leah Cutter at the book signing

World Fantasy Convention 2006, book signing, Friday: LC
CIMG4321 Leah Cutter at the book signing

David Coe and Leah Cutter at the book signing

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday, book signing: DC and LC
CIMG4322 David Coe and Leah Cutter at the book signing

Angeline Hawkes at the book signing

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday, book signing: AH
CIMG4325 Angeline Hawkes at the book signing

Ted Chiang

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: Ted Chiang
CIMG4329 Ted Chiang

Rhodi Hawk

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: RH
CIMG4336 Rhodi Hawk

Catt Kingsgrave (right) and a woman whose name tag I could not see

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: CK
CIMG4338 Catt Kingsgrave

Rhodi Hawk

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: RH
CIMG4339 Rhodi Hawk

Julie Wright

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: JW
CIMG4341 Julie Wright

Dave Duncan

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: DD
CIMG4345 Dave Duncan

Tim Powers (left) and Hal Duncan

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: Tim Powers and Hal Duncan
CIMG4351 Tim Powers (left) and Hal Duncan

Jeffrey Ford

World Fantasy Convention 2006, Friday: Jeffrey Ford
CIMG4356 Jeffrey Ford