E at 1 year and 7 months old, December 2006

E in a fuchsia overalls-dress and matching shoes

E in a fuchsia overalls-dress
CIMG4505 E in a fuchsia overalls-dress and matching shoes

At the holiday party at E’s day care, all age groups performed songs and poems for the parents. I was surprised to learn that E’s class of 18-24-month-olds was supposed to sing as well! E does not use sentences longer than 2 words, and she was supposed to sing? Were her classmates little geniuses who could belt out “Twinkle twinkle, little star” with great articulation and feeling? Not really, as I was relieved to find out. The kiddies mostly stood there, while their teacher and the audience sang for them. One kid bawled in teacher’s arms the whole time.

E saw me in the audience, left the group, rambled over to me, then went back to the group and milled around with other kids.

E has finished singing
CIMG4511 E has finished singing

Adventures in dressing oneself: pulling shorts over sweatpants

Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants
CIMG4520 Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants

Halfway there!

Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants: halfway there
CIMG4520 Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants: halfway there

… but will it go any further? Those shorts may have no chance of going over the roomy sweatpants.

Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants ran into an obstacle
CIMG4520 Attempt to pull on shorts over sweatpants ran into an obstacle

With a babysitter Maddie, playing with a white stuffed dog on the New Year’s Eve of 2006

With a babysitter, playing with a white stuffed dog
CIMG4567 With a babysitter, playing with a white stuffed dog