E at 1 year and 7 months old, December 2006
E in a fuchsia overalls-dress and matching shoes

At the holiday party at E’s day care, all age groups performed songs and poems for the parents. I was surprised to learn that E’s class of 18-24-month-olds was supposed to sing as well! E does not use sentences longer than 2 words, and she was supposed to sing? Were her classmates little geniuses who could belt out “Twinkle twinkle, little star” with great articulation and feeling? Not really, as I was relieved to find out. The kiddies mostly stood there, while their teacher and the audience sang for them. One kid bawled in teacher’s arms the whole time.
E saw me in the audience, left the group, rambled over to me, then went back to the group and milled around with other kids.

Adventures in dressing oneself: pulling shorts over sweatpants

Halfway there!

… but will it go any further? Those shorts may have no chance of going over the roomy sweatpants.

With a babysitter Maddie, playing with a white stuffed dog on the New Year’s Eve of 2006