Second annual Ye Gods party, March 2007
Second annual Ye Gods party at P and M’s place, March 31, 2007
The first annual Ye Gods party a year ago culminated in P and M’s wedding. This year they didn’t do anything to top that (unless I left too early and missed something), but it was good nonetheless. Everyone was supposed to come dressed as a god of some kind. Those that did not have costumes (me, for example) had to wear funny hats vaguely suggestive of deities.
Regan as Medusa
Aaron as statue of Liberty. He is wearing M’s wedding headdress from last year.
Regan as Medusa, and her husband Mike as a God Of Hairdos. What that means, I don’t know — is he wearing a cape like one does at a hairdresser’s?
Marjie was dressed as Tie Dye god(ess), and Bill, I’m not sure. But I think together they make up some kind of Gods of the Sixties couple.
Jeff D as Thor with a requisite hammer
M as Egyptian goddess Bast (also known as Bastet), a goddess with a head of a cat.
Wendy was dressed as a Sky God(ess?)
The hosts, P and M, dressed as Egyptian gods Sobek (a man with a head of a crocodile) and Bast (a woman with a head of a cat)
P as an Egyptian god – a man with a head of a crocodile
M in a mask of an Egyptian goddess Bast. The mask was made from her face cast, since back then M and P used to make face casts (and they made one of me).
M without a mask
Denis “There is no god” Loubet (that’s what his name tag says), a co-host of the Non-Prophets internet radio show.
This guy is a Hare Krishna — his “costume” makes sense if you read Hare as Hair. This is the most minimalistic costume I’ve seen, consisting only of a hairdo and held together by a pun.
For a triple pun on “Hare”, he could have worn rabbit’s ears. But he is wearing antlers, so… seems like a missed opportunity.
The Hare / Hair Krishna guy and Wendy-as-a-sky-god. Well, now he IS wearing a rabbit mask, thereby realizing a triple pun inherent in his costume!
J, dressed in animal prints, started out as Bast #2 (M being Bast #1, see above), but then transformed to something else.
A in a viking helmet with braids and J in animal prints
A in a viking helmet with braids
S in a horned helmet
J with a halo. She has transformed from Bast #2 to a cat saint?
M as Sheela Na Gig. Bold choice, but the execution must be very subtle, since I don’t see a similarity…
J and S
I guess somewhere in some culture there must be a pig-headed god/-ess…
Left to right: J the cat saint, M the hostess, L (standing), and J with an elephant head. L is M and P’s neighbor, and she plays in a band.
L with a mask. Whether or not she was dressed as a god(ess) is debatable, but she was among the most costumed of all attendees.
L raises an axe
L with an axe
I wonder if it’s J’s own hair shaped into cat ears?
Behind her on the wall is a picture from the hosts’ M and P wedding from a year ago, which took place (as a surprise) at their first annual Ye Gods party.
Me with Denis Loubet and Jeff Dee at the second annual Ye Gods party
M, the god(ess) of tie-dye, and P, the host. He was first dressed as the Egyptian god Sobek — a man with a crocodile head, as can be seen at the top of this post. But that was not a costume that permitted eating or drinking, or perhaps even walking.