Maker Faire 2007, part 3: fire performances
Fire performances — by people and machines — took a prominent part at the Maker Faire 2007.
Adelyn Botto spins a flaming hula hoop.

Here a video of her performance. However, the video ends just after she starts spinning the hula hoop around her waist! My camera memory card ran out of space.
By the time I finished frantically deleting old photos and videos to make room, Adelyn almost finished her dance. But here are the rest 14 seconds of it.
Here she is spinning the flaming hula hoop around her waist. This is a still from the end of the first video.

These gadgets shoot fire from all of their orifices.

Here is a video of various unidentified pieces of machinery shooting fire.
Ironically, one of the fire-shooting gadgets is a water hydrant, as seen in the video below:
Here’s a water hydrant that shoots fire.

An up-close view of the gadget with four bell-like openings shooting fire