CIMG7741 Spinning a flaming hula hoop

Adelyn Botto spins a flaming hula hoop at the Maker Faire 2007

CIMG7741 Adelyn Botto spins a flaming hula hoop

CIMG7741 Adelyn Botto spins a flaming hula hoop at the Maker Faire 2007

Here a video of her performance. However, the video ends just after she starts spinning the hula hoop around her waist! My camera memory card ran out of space.

By the time I finished frantically deleting old photos and videos to make room, Adelyn almost finished her dance. But here are the rest 14 seconds of it.

Maker Faire was a two-day event that celebrated arts, crafts, engineering, science projects and the Do-It-Yourself (DIY) mindset. It took place in Austin, Texas in October 2007.