At my brother’s house in Vilnius, Lithuania, September 2005
September 1st is the first day of school year in Lithuania, and my brother’s younger son started first grade. This was an excuse for a party at my brother’s house. One thing that has changed since last year is they got a new cat. The old cat went off and never came back. This new cat ended up at their home when my brother’s wife rescued her from a busy street where she (the cat) had been hit by a car and would have been hit by more cars if my brother’s wife had not pulled her out of the way.
My brother’s mother-in-law N holds my daughter E.

Lithuanian cats wear fashions straight from the — you guessed it — catwalk. Well, not really. It’s just a post-surgical garment. The poor creature has been spayed.

My sister’s then-boyfriend-now-husband P (left) and S with a Rubik’s cube.

My mom and dad put socks on E.

My sister’s friend L (left) and my sister M

My sister M with her friend L’s daughter A

My extended family — well, most of it. Left to right: my brother’s wife E, their son J, S with our daughter E, my mom, dad, and me standing behind the couch.

At 4 months, E is becoming interested in grown-up food and drink — here she is trying to grab a glass in daddy’s hand

S, mom with E, my dad, and behind them, my brother’s mother-in-law N.