CIMG0521 View from Puckoriai exposure, September of 2005

View from Puckoriai exposure, September of 2005

CIMG0521 View from Pūčkorių exposure / Pūčkorių atodanga, standing close to the 65-meter precipice. That’s the Vilnia (aka Vilnelė) river below.

CIMG0521 View from Pūčkorių exposure / Pūčkorių atodanga, standing close to the 65-meter precipice. That’s the Vilnia (aka Vilnelė) river below.

Pūčkoriai is a scenic place on the outskirts of Vilnius that’s known for a 65-meter-high vertical precipice, called Pūčkorių atodanga (Pūčkorių exposure). It overlooks the valley of the Vilnia river and the surrounding hills. In September of 2005, Vilnius science fiction club had its annual picnic there.

Pūčkoriai, Vilnius, Lithuania, September of 2005