E’s 7th month, November 2005
Who says you have to be IN the swing to have fun with the swing?

E sits unsupported. For a short while. And kinda wobbly.

Tries to crawl, stops and looks

E has a relatively new endearing habit of pretending that her hand is talking. Of course, that’s not really what she means: she does not yet have nearly enough capacity for figurative thinking to imagine that a hand may be talking. But that’s what it looks like. She puts her hand over her mouth palm facing outward, and opens and closes her fingers, like in this picture.

E sits unassisted — or at the very least, unassisted by another person or a couch. She is able to sit for about 30 seconds, but only if she leans forward and sideways, supporting herself with one arm. And so, in a mishmash of mixed metaphors, we dubbed her the Leaning Tower of Babe’l.