E’s 7th month, November 2005

Who says you have to be IN the swing to have fun with the swing?

Under the swing, November 2005
CIMG1015 6 months: Who says you have to be in the swing to have fun with the swing?

E sits unsupported. For a short while. And kinda wobbly.

E sits unsupported, November 2005
CIMG1017 6 months: E sits unsupported. For a short while. And kinda wobbly.

Tries to crawl, stops and looks

Tries to crawl, stops and looks, November 2005
CIMG1025 6 months: getting better at crawling.

E has a relatively new endearing habit of pretending that her hand is talking. Of course, that’s not really what she means: she does not yet have nearly enough capacity for figurative thinking to imagine that a hand may be talking. But that’s what it looks like. She puts her hand over her mouth palm facing outward, and opens and closes her fingers, like in this picture.

Hand talking, November 2005
CIMG1055 E pretends that her hand is talking.

E sits unassisted — or at the very least, unassisted by another person or a couch. She is able to sit for about 30 seconds, but only if she leans forward and sideways, supporting herself with one arm. And so, in a mishmash of mixed metaphors, we dubbed her the Leaning Tower of Babe’l.

The leaning tower, November 2005
CIMG1059 6-month old E sits unassisted, except for leaning on her own arm.