My sister’s visit, December 2005
My sister M and her then-boyfriend-now-husband P hanging out with us at our apartment and playing with E. They visited us in Austin in December of 2005.
My sister holds E in her lap, while P presents his hair for E to pull.

E wrestles M for a beer.

P and E are playing on the floor

M’s unlikely wish came true! One thing she wanted to see in Texas was a live armadillo (as opposed to the roadkills that litter Texas highways), and though she realized that would be difficult, she did see one. On Sunday, S drove M and P to a hill country winery outside of Austin, called Fall Creek Vineyard. On the way back, S suddenly saw an armadillo on the side of the road, and since they were not going too fast, he pulled over and they got out of the car — and the armadillo was still there. It wasn’t afraid of people. He sniffed M and patiently posed while she photographed him.