My sister’s visit, December 2005: Austin Duck Tour

We took my sister M and her partner P on an Austin’s Duck Tour. Duck Tours are tours conducted in amphibious vehicles. In Austin, the tour bus drives around downtown, with the tour guide tells us amusing historical facts about many Austin buildings. Then the bus gets into the lake and sails around a little, while the tour guide points out rich and famous people’s homes. The passengers are given a whistle in the shape of a duck bill, which they are periodically encouraged to blow. When you blow it, it makes quacking sounds.

We started the day with a brunch at one of Austin’s old and famous eateries, The Omelettery. (It has since then moved to a new location, and I don’t know if it has preserved that grungy old-time diner feel.)

Here is 7-month-old E at The Omelettery.

E at the Omelettery, December 2005
CIMG1216 E at the Omelettery

I’m feeding E at The Omelettery

Me and E at the Omelettery, December 2005
CIMG1219 I’m feeding E at the Omelettery

M and P on Duck Tour bus driving through downtown Austin

M and P on Duck Tour bus

A pouty little face! E didn’t enjoy the Duck tour bus noise and wind, but eventually fell asleep on S’s shoulder.

E on Duck tour
CIMG1224 A pouty little face! E didn’t enjoy the Duck tour bus noise and wind, but eventually fell asleep on S’s shoulder.

M and P on Duck Tour bus sailing around Lake Austin

M and P on Duck Tour bus
CIMG1235 M and P on Duck Tour bus sailing around Lake Austin