9-month-old E in grandma’s house in New Jersey: February 2006

E climbs on a box. Climbing on boxes is also a theme in E’s baby pictures.

E climbs on a box, February 2006
AAA003 E climbs on a box at grandma’s house

“Organizing” spices at grandma’s house

Organizing spices at grandma house, February 2006
AAA020 “Organizing” spices at grandma’s house

E is drawn to the VCR slot in the TV set in grandma’s house just like she to the one at home.

Stands at TV, February 2006
AAA021 E is drawn to the VCR slot in the TV set in grandma’s house just like she to the one at home.

E’s grandma feeds her

Grandma feeds E
AAA022 Grandma feeds E

An all-you-can-eat buffet of vegetables in baby food jars. What E won’t eat, the stuffed ducky will help her with.

In a high chair, February 2006
AAA024 E in a high chair at grandma’s house

In an armchair

In an armchair, February 2006
AAA026 In an armchair

E on a futon with a soft, plush baby book

With a aoft baby book, February 2006
AAA029 E on a futon with a soft, plush baby book