Stockholm, Sweden, May 2006

In May of 2006 I visited my friend A and her family in Stockholm. We went sightseeing. Here are some views from Stockholm Old Town. The buildings here are taller than in Vilnius Old Town, and it really has the narrow street game going.

Wandering around Stockholm, we stumbled upon the changing of the ceremonial guard. I think this could be the royal palace, but I’m not 100% sure.

Changing of the ceremonial guard
CIMG2853 Changing of the ceremonial guard


The same place as above, the name of which I have forgotten. I suppose it wouldn’t have ceremonial guard if it wasn’t pretty important.

Stockholm Old Town
CIMG2854 A palace-like building in Stockholm.

Me in front of a building in Stockholm Old Town, somewhere in the same vicinity as the pictures above

Me in front of a building in Stockholm Old Town
CIMG2857 Me in front of a building in Stockholm Old Town

Tall, colorful buildings in Stockholm Old Town

Colorful buildings in Stockholm Old Town
CIMG2871 Colorful buildings in Stockholm Old Town

A sloping street in Stockholm Old Town that leads to the water

A sloping street in Stockholm Old Town
CIMG2878 A sloping street in Stockholm Old Town

This circular courtyard, surrounded by an arched wall, is somewhere in Stockholm Old Town. Too bad I didn’t write down what this building was. I was mesmerized by the multitude of arches. Arches are my weakness.

A round courtyard in Stockholm Old town
CIMG2885 A round courtyard in Stockholm Old town

One of the long, narrow, downward-sloping arched passageways that lead to the round courtyeard, pictured in the previous image.

An arched passage leading to te round courtyard
CIMG2892 An arched passage leading to te round courtyard

My friend A in an arched passageway. Since arches are my weakness, we took lots of pictures of each other under arches.

A in an arched passageway
CIMG2897 A in an arched passageway

Me in front of the Stockholm City Hall

Me in front of the Stockholm City Hall
CIMG2912 Me in front of the Stockholm City Hall

Stockholm City Hall. As someone whose weakness is arches, I feasted my eyes here. I just wonder what are those little pyramids under each arch, with a sphere on top. Do they have a hidden purpose to slow down the crowds of people that might storm the City Hall one day?

The arched wall of the Stockholm City Hall
CIMG2913 The arched wall of the Stockholm City Hall

Alley-stairs in Stockholm Old Town. I like nothing more than streets that are all stairs. If they are narrow like this, all the better.

CIMG2981 Alley-stairs in Stockholm Old Town

The same alley-stairs in Stockholm Old Town, from further away.

A staircase-alley in Stockholm Old Town
CIMG2982 A staircase-alley in Stockholm Old Town

Me in an alley of stairs, leading to restaurant at the basement level in Stockholm Old Town

Me in an alley of stairs, leading to restaurant at the basement level in Stockholm Old Town
DSCF3847 Me in an alley of stairs, leading to restaurant at the basement level in Stockholm Old Town

A narrow street in Stockholm Old Town with a metal scrollwork gate

A narrow street in Stockholm Old Town with a metal scrollwork gate
CIMG2986 A narrow street in Stockholm Old Town with a metal scrollwork gate

Me in the museum in the Royal Castle in Stockholm

Me in the museum in the Royal Castle in Stockholm
DSCF3798 Me in the museum in the Royal Castle in Stockholm