CIMG6931 Did I end up in his novel? (An Escher’esque strange loop moment)

Did I end up in his novel? (An Escher'esque strange loop moment)

CIMG6931 Did I end up in his novel? (An Escher’esque strange loop moment)

CIMG6931 A strange loop moment at ArmadilloCon 2007

I really liked this woman’s outfit, so I took a picture of her, and only then I noticed the t-shirt the guy was wearing. It said “if you are not careful, you’ll end up in my novel”. Well, he already ended up in my pictures, so I guess if I end up in his novel, it will be an infinite recursion, like two mirrors reflecting each other? Or a Hofstadter-like strange loop? Escher’s two hands drawing each other?

ArmadilloCon is a speculative fiction convention that takes place every year in Austin, Texas.