CIMG0518 Me (with baby E in a sling) at the Lithuanian science fiction fandom picnic in September of 2005

Me (with baby E in a sling) at the Lithuanian science fiction fandom picnic in September of 2005

CIMG0518 Me (with baby E in a sling) at the Lithuanian science fiction fandom picnic in Pūčkoriai. It is a scenic place on the outskirts of Vilnius that’s known for a 65-meter-high vertical precipice, called Pūčkorių atodanga (Pūčkorių exposure). It overlooks the valley of the Vilnia river and the surrounding hills.

CIMG0518 Me (with baby E in a sling) at the Lithuanian science fiction fandom picnic in Pūčkoriai. It is a scenic place on the outskirts of Vilnius that’s known for a 65-meter-high vertical precipice, called Pūčkorių atodanga (Pūčkorių exposure). It overlooks the valley of the Vilnia (aka Vilnelė) river and the surrounding hills.

Pūčkoriai, Vilnius, Lithuania, September of 2005